Having said that ... I have been intrigued by Jack's Harvest Frozen Organic Baby Food since I read about it a few weeks back. And I wanted to try it out before Kate was completely over the whole baby food thing. She still eats a lot of baby food, but she is eating grown-up food, too--so I know the clock is ticking on her baby-food phase. I saw on the Jack's Harvest Web site that they'd be set up at a nearby co-op today, and I decided we'd stop by and check it out.
Cool, huh? See? Even a non-granola like me can appreciate this stuff. ;o)
Today at the Beehive Co-op, we met Connie, one of the Jack's Harvest founders. She was super nice and so friendly and approachable. Against my better judgment, I did not take the stroller inside, and all Kate wanted to do was squirm around in my arms and try to escape through the front door (which is not a good idea, considering it is just steps away from Peachtree Road). Anyway, Connie was so sweet to help me keep Kate corralled while I perused not only the Jack's Harvest stuff, but also a few other displays. (I definitely want to go back to the Beehive. It is so cool.)
I'll have to write about the Beehive in another post. I want to go back and learn more about it. It is such a cool place with so many beautiful, handmade items. I can't believe I used to work just down the street and never knew what was behind those doors as I walked by (on my way to CFA).
I felt like this post needed another image. :o)
Anyway, if you get a chance, check out Jack's Harvest Frozen Organic Baby Food. I've been looking that the Web site from time to time over the last few weeks, and they seem to have these tasting parties regularly. Enjoy!
P.S. Earlier this week, Jack's Harvest was featured on Celebrity Baby Blog! See for yourself!
So cool! It reminds me of Diane Keaton in the movie "Baby Boom". :) Remember that one? :) Seriously, that is neat. I'm glad Kate likes it. We need to check it out the next time we come down.
You know, this is how I make Amelia's food. Why didn't I think of making it in heart shapes and marketing it? :)